Can Animals Get Underneath Porches, Decks and Sheds?

Skunks, incapable of climbing, dig under structures that sit directly on the ground.  While raccoons prefer to live in attics from the fall to early summer, they may move to ground level structures when the attic spaces over heat.

To prevent wildlife from getting under a structure requires digging a trench around the entire perimeter, fastening galvanized screen in an “L” shape configuration and then back-filling the trench.

This photo was taken after installing our screen to prevent the skunks re-entry underneath the deck. If you look to the right of the picture you can see our galvanized screen secured to the side of the deck.

By Brad Gates, B.Sc.

Brad Gates is the owner and president of AAA Gates Wildlife Control. He has over 35 years experience in the humane wildlife removal and prevention industry.