Have You Ever Seen a Ring Neck Snake?

This snake is named for the distinct yellow, cream or orange ring around the neck. The body is a uniform dark grey, brown or black and this species has smooth scales. Adult Ring-necked Snakes are generally less than 50 cm long.

In Canada, the Ring-necked Snake is found from Ontario east of Lake Superior to Nova Scotia and PEI. No other adult snake in Canada has a distinct yellow ring around its neck.

Ring-necked Snakes are usually found in forested areas, including forest edges and clearings. These snakes are most common in areas with shallow soil and surface bedrock, where they are frequently found under rocks, logs or bark. They hibernate underground and will also retreat underground during especially warm weather. Females lay their eggs in rotting logs or stumps, under rocks or in vegetation piles.

Gates Wildlife Owner Brad found this snake under a rock near our dock at the cottage. Very cool!