Imagine You Are A Raccoon: Story of a Raccoon In Attic In Toronto

Imagine You Are A Raccoon: Week 1

Welcome to “Imagine You Are A Raccoon”, which is a 14-part weekly series by Brad Gates, B.Sc. Stay tuned each Wednesday for the continuation of this story!

Just imagine you are a one year old adult female raccoon living in Toronto. Being a nocturnal animal, you travel your neighbourhood under the cover of darkness in search of food and shelter. While foraging for food each night, you frequently have to fight with other male and female raccoons to get a bite to eat. Since you are an omnivore your diet consists of insects, fruits, vegetables, meat including small animals and most enticing, the contents of the green garbage bins left at the curb once a week.  

During your travels you keep a sharp eye for flaws in houses and other buildings. Your mother taught you that if your snout can fit into a gap on a building, with some chewing and clawing, it could become the entrance to a den site. While checking out many homes from top to bottom you often do battle with other raccoons, aggressively staking their claim to both den sites and food.